Sunday, April 18, 2021

When will I surface

That is a good question, when will I surface? I am not sure that I ever will. I really do not want to. I want to move the clock back a couple of years but time is relentless; it moves onward. 

There is so much to do but my daughters are so much help to me. They are both working full time but do find the moment to push me in this direction or that; wherever I need to go; whatever decision I need to make I do eventually make it. I am not talking to anyone other than them. I barely respond to emails and it is always belated. I try to do the polite thing when I need to do that but mostly I just want to be alone while I solidify my memories.  

COVID-19 helps me at the moment. There isn't anywhere I need to be; there isn't anyone I need to see except the necessities. But it also hinders me as we start to pack up the Canadian and American research material tomorrow. The 30 plus boxes will take up a lot of space. 

God is my refuge and my strength. He lifts me up and comforts me. God be praised.

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