Sunday, April 11, 2021

Widowhood and role models

I had never thought to be a widow. My husband was until 2011 extremely healthy. He gardened, walked, lifted weights and generally enjoyed life in a very busy way. He loved to travel and we did do a lot of that especially on this continent but eventually we would spend time in the British Isles and Europe. We even made it to Mexico. Widowhood was just something that I never thought about. My husband, on the other hand, had a widowed mother from the time he was two years old and he had opinions on widowhood actually. My grandmother had been widowed at a young age just 38 years of age and I only knew her as a widow. My mother was widowed at 82 although my father had been in a nursing home since she was 75 years of age. But I was not in close daily contact with either my mother or my grandmother. My grandfather was a widower when I knew him. He had been a widower since he was 65 and had lived with us. So my experience was pretty limited in terms of knowing people who had lost a spouse. 

Both of my daughters have asked me to live with them which is a wonderful offer. My husband especially wanted me to be with our eldest daughter as she is on her own without a husband or children. I will try to make both of my children content and happy and live with both of them. I could live alone and keep up this house and work away at Edward's material but likely I do not have the strength to do that. It is a lot of work to maintain and too big for one person. The last month has shown me my limitations. I quickly become run down and it will take me a little while to regain my strength. My own health has always been somewhat weak but knowing that I tend to take care of myself; limiting myself to keep myself as healthy as I can be.

However, I do want to pass Edward's work on. There are lots of researchers out there and he has many in his contact list. I will begin that process shortly. In the meantime I want to contact Library and Archives Canada to see if they are interested in his large collection of published family books. Many of them are American families with a Canadian component. I am preparing a list of all of these books and what they do not want I can then offer to the local Ontario Genealogical Society Library. The task ahead of me is huge and I must accomplish a good part of it by the end of August. 

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