Wednesday, May 12, 2021

A cousin's collection of pictures revealed this treat for Edward

 There are so few pictures of Edward when he was a little boy still living on the farm. In 2019 in the Fall Ed had decided to do a three week trip down to southwestern Ontario and visit with his nieces, his cousins and then take a trip up to the Bruce Peninsula where we had spent many weekends years ago when we were first married. Then a slow meander back to Ottawa visiting places we had not seen in years. Unfortunately I had a fall and injured my knee almost at the beginning so we did cut the trip short somewhat but still did all the cousin visits. He reveled in seeing all of his cousins as we had not been for a year. One of them had a few pictures that he had not seen. 



This one with Allen and Ed riding between the two milk cans on the wagon is a treasure. A different day from the other two pictures from earlier, Edward is looking right at the camera.  Taking the job very seriously perhaps and he is holding onto the milk can. He was always serious Edward in everything that he undertook. Although these trips were something he wanted so much to do they exhausted him even with me doing a great deal of the driving. He was getting more used to my driving these days and tended to fall asleep which was good.

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