Friday, May 21, 2021

Edward Kipp 17 years of age

 Edward's last high school picture. He looks confident and pretty much he looks like he did when I first met him. 

I was in the Physical Chemistry lab (a year behind him) when he asked me if I could watch his sample in the kiln. I said sure no problem. When he came back, fortunately it was still in good shape, he asked if I would like to go ice skating and I said yes. There was an outdoor rink near my house (actually at the high school which I had attended) and he thought he might like to do that. My parents would not have let me go out with someone that they hadn't met although I didn't say that. Perhaps he guessed it. When he arrived all of my siblings were there except my older sister who was already married and at that point I had not told him that I had six siblings! He was thrilled to meet all of them and they became good friends. 



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