Saturday, May 22, 2021

Edward Kipp at the National Research Council




 An interesting find in our reviewing all of Edward's notes. This is an excellent picture of him in 1999/2000. He loved working at NRC in CISTI. He probably would have also liked to have continued with his Research in Inorganic Chemistry but Edward was flexible in that regard; he preferred to have a job and this one was available. He certainly had a lot of degrees with his HBSc, PhD, MLS and he also did a two year postdoc in Chemical Engineering (Environmental) before he headed off to CISTI. While he was doing the postdoc his research in the library showed him that he could contribute to science in more than one way and so he pursued his Masters in Library Science. He worked for nearly thirty years at NRC and for maybe fifteen or more of those years he biked to work and back every day except in the winter when he walked out to the bus stop and took the bus in. 

When he started to talk about retiring I supported him in his idea. I knew that he wanted to get into his genealogy and that first year of retirement we took a course at NEHGS in Boston where Gary Boyd Roberts looked at his work thus far which he had done from afar and quickly recognized that Ed's ancestors had been very early to the American Colonies and directed him towards records that helped to link his people back to these founding families. That support (and we attended a number of these courses through the years) combined with his own research provided him with a huge family tree that he has built and enjoyed the seventeen years of his retirement.

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