Thursday, May 20, 2021

Match at Ancestry for Edward

Sometimes it is very sad to encounter something and that happened to me today when I found a reply to one of Ed's letters on Ancestry to a cousin which he sent in early 2019 before the lockdown. She was responding two years later. He would have loved to have read that note and I do believe he knows. I will eventually answer it but not yet. I am still not yet up to responding to people other than my family. The number of Condolence cards continues to grow as Edward knew so many people. It is very kind of people to do that and I will thank each and every one in the future after we have our Memorial Service for Edward. I will make a book of all the cards. The Memorial Service will be just close family and in the mid-summer providing that we are permitted to do so. Otherwise it will just be his very close nuclear family. I need to add his death date to his tree on Ancestry and have not yet done that. I will.

He loved receiving notes from his cousins; he often shared them with me and you could see the glow that they gave to him. With his mother and brother both gone we were his close family other than his brother's daughters who do not live in this area. Going back and visiting with cousins was a delight to him and we started doing that I think after his pacemaker was inserted. That was his warning I guess that life can offer changes that we need to pay attention to in order to do all the things that we most want to do. He did take it that way and we traveled the highways back and forth time and again as he visited with people he knew as a child and renewed old friendships. 

He is gone from us in the living but still deeply ingrained in our hearts and minds as we plod on forward without him. I have things that I need to do and somehow I manage to get them done or into process. There is a process for everything really and I have a number of things that are ongoing at the moment and which will come to fruition over the next couple of months. 

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