Thursday, May 6, 2021

Moving forward with sorting

Gradually boxing up Ed's book collection for the OGS Library and there are also a few boxes for the UEL library. The novels can all go to Friends of the Archives of the City of Ottawa which is great for their book sale. I do not generally read fiction so nice to have someone else enjoy them. Then another collection of books for the Reserve Library which would really please Ed as he gave them most of the National Geographic Collection already (this is just the portion that he kept although meaning to eventually give all the rest to them). 

We have about 25 boxes packed now with another 25 boxes to fill. I expect we will use all of them plus there are seven boxes of runs of journals that he was a member of genealogical societies. I will still have about five boxes of my own books (already packed) and another fifteen boxes of Ed's research that will move with me. There are probably another ten boxes that I need to work on to submit to Library and Archives Canada as the Kipp Collection of material. 

I think I can see five years worth of work in what will be left but will do it slowly along with my own work once I am settled in once again. It will be sad to go as I will miss the house where my children grew up and where we lived for 43+ years. We were already married 12 years when we moved here.  God willing that I survive long enough to complete it all. 

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