Saturday, May 29, 2021

One set all packed up

One set of Ed's books are all packed up now - 8 boxes for the Maniwaki Reserve. He had already given them the bulk of his National Geographic books but this is the remainder including a number of large atlases which give a nice history over time of how the world looked. 

On to the next set - OGS - to complete and it is going to be 40+ boxes. We are getting towards the last five bookcases. We are also packing up his United Empire Loyalist books not yet boxed up and given away and noted that they are these books plus books for the Friends of the Archives of the City of Ottawa. Ed loved to read novels and there are boxes of them for their sale. 

He would be pleased to see his books used once again for their intent - family research. He would also like to see his novels enjoyed by others. The three of us, my daughters and I, tend not to read many novels. I seldom read fiction myself.

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