Saturday, May 22, 2021

Rain hopefully today

Today I am only thinking about rain really. I would like it to rain. Then I can go out and work up the garden beds. If I do it before rain then I am just mixing that lovely wet earth just below the surface with the dry on top. Right now the roots are deep into that wet earth and I need to leave it that way. I do not want to start watering yet and learned that from Edward. Wait until you have to water he would always say. Nature will give you the clues. He was so knowledgeable about so many things natural Edward. He was a comfort to be around and I will always miss him for his thoughtful comments. I keep trying to keep them in mind when I am working through a problem. Usually I can remember the answer. He talked a lot; I listened a lot. He liked to explain the why of everything; that was his way. 

Life is a process; you can not necessarily see it when you are young; you are just growing and the mind is developing. But when you are old and look back you can see that education never ends. The education system captures us for a while when we are young just to standardize everything so that people know the rules to follow. Most learn them very well which is good because a free society depends on people obeying the rules. 

Washing today and finishing off cleaning the basement. Almost everything done in time this week. 

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