Monday, May 24, 2021

Support Fences around large plants

Today I put together the fence panels that support the large plants. It is nice to do that but I would never have thought of doing that to be honest. Ed loved gardening and he was really good at it. Our place always looked beautiful. Flowering plants and vegetables from late March to late October of one kind or another. Before the pacemaker he mostly did it himself except I helped with anything heavy like moving earth or working up small patches which the rotatiller was not practical to run in. I had forgotten that actually but in my trip through memory lane I came across pictures of me doing that way back in 2005 and on. After he took ill at the end of 2010 I did all the gardening for a bit with his instructions. Then in 2013 after the pacemaker was inserted he started to do some of the gardening again. By 2015 I would say that we worked equally together with me still moving most of the earth that we bought and cultivating the gardens with hand cultivators. I do not run rotatillers - I am not strong enough for that although my daughter did do that when she came to spend time with us in the summer while she was doing her research. 

I have finally reached a point where I do not cry so much and rather celebrate that I am able to make the place look a little like he did which he can smile down on and enjoy. I will never be a gardener though and when I move and buy a new place it will have a lot of grass for sure.  Mostly I will live with my daughters but for one daughter that is just part of the year when she is here doing her research and we will have the house for those times and if I happen to want to do some quiet research sometimes or work on newsletters then I can go and spend some time working away at that. 

Hopefully it will pour with rain one of these days. Definitely we could use rain; everything is getting dried up. I haven't cultivated the flower beds yet as I do not want to draw the moist soil below the dry earth up and dry it up faster. 

I probably published the last memory pictures of Edward. I have thousands and thousands of pictures from our 54 and a half years together actually but I was wanting to produce a set of memory blogs to put together in a file and at the moment I have completed it.

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