Friday, May 7, 2021

The Link family of Horace Link, Edward's grandfather

Edward's grandfather's family. Horace Lorenzo Link is seated at the front two from the left with his second wife Lillian (Smith) (Davies) Link beside him on his left. I believe seated on Lillian's left is her daughter Dorothy Maud Davis with her husband George Frederick Hodgson. At the back in the middle is Edward and I think David Hodgson is to his left and the little girl to his right is perhaps his half Uncle Bill's daughter Judith Link. The far left standing is his Uncle Elton, his mother's brother and his wife Margaret. There is another small child beside the little girl perhaps her younger sister. That would make the date of the picture around 1956 and Edward would be 13 years of age. The other three people I am not sure about but likely it would be Edward's half uncle Bill Link and his wife Dorothy and Ed's mother is seated just below Ed and to his left.  We never talked about that picture other than to say it was his grandfather's family. 


 This picture is taken at Princeton on the front porch. Missing from the picture is Horace's other daughter Alma (Link) Randall who lived by this time in Texas with her husband and three children.

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