Sunday, May 2, 2021

Thinking about Edward today

We sat and talked about Edward today. Remembering how much he was the centre of our lives (and still is) and moving on has proven to be difficult for us. But we keep busy doing all the things that he had suggested and taking back some of the life that we had before Edward became so very dependent on us for everything in his life. We know he is in a better place with his parents and grandparents and other relatives that he knew and loved. No more pain, no more exhaustion, no more unsteadiness and no more bandaging; it was a long illness for him but he managed very well to the end of his life with our help except for the final stay in the hospital. All of his other hospital stays were short and he was in and out again quickly. 

COVID-19 restrictions really did take him from us because he could not do his usual life style of getting out and about shopping and walking. He loved interacting with people and that too, except for us, was limited to Facebook where he had many friends and the telephone. I didn't realize how much he talked on the telephone, as our workrooms are apart and he tended to close the door when he talked on the telephone, until I was looking at the Zoomer Wireless Bill. I mostly texted so had almost no calls whereas he had 50, 60 even 100 a month (mind you some of those were incoming). He loved to talk to his cousins and did do that. I could never convince him to do all the exercise periods that I tend to do during the day. Although once into physio he did do those exercises but given how active he was before the restrictions they did not even come close to the activity level that he really needed. We used to shop in the morning for a couple of hours and then in the afternoon we would go for a walk at the local Mall for an hour.

We miss you Edward and always will. Every event in the future I know that I will think how much you would have enjoyed being there in person but I know in spirit you will always be with us.

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