Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Day nine since vaccination

Fascinating really thinking that I am building up all those antibodies however my trusty mask is ever with me. I think that we will be wearing them until next spring anyway and I plan on doing so in stores and when I can not be a minimum of two metres away from everyone. 

Working on the will for the latest Pincombe Newsletter and then I will transcribe the list of properties that John Pincombe held by freehold, leasehold or other. The South Molton family was quite interesting to look at and finding this document clearly separated them into their own grouping. I shall compare that grouping that I found with the chart that included South Molton created by the two earlier researchers for the Pincombe-Pinkham one-name study at the Guild of one-name studies as well as the Visitation of Devon for the Southmolton Pincombe family. 

Today a member of the Amateur Ham Radio Club is coming to take all of Edward's radio equipment. He wanted us to donate it to the Radio Club. He became a member back when we first moved here and got his license. He used to spend hours talking to people around the world and rather enjoyed it but life took on a different turn when he started going to the OGS Ottawa Branch meetings with his cousin Gordon Riddle. He became so deeply involved with that group along with Orleans United Church that the years from the latter part of the 1970s to the latter part of the 1990s literally flew by with his many activities and he spent less time on his ham radio. We did do a few car rallies with them in the 1980s which were fun. I always describe the latter part of the 1970s to the latter part of the 1990s as our middle years and we were both very busy. I worked at home proofreading and copy editing until 1995 when I returned to work outside of the home first at the Medical School and then what became during my time there The Ottawa Hospital. I pretty much dropped everything that I was doing when I did that - no longer Treasurer for Camp Bitobi; did not teach Sunday School or do the Supplies for Sunday School; no longer did World Day of Prayer Services which was an ecumenical group; did not help at school with computers which I had done for about six years. All of those things I no longer did (helping at school was my project and I enjoyed helping the children learn to use the computer; I remember the boys especially as they were so excited to be learning; they could hardly control their excitement they enjoyed it so much - they did remind me of my brothers). I am more used to boys probably as three of my four brothers were closest to me in age with my sisters being 6 years older and 8 years younger. I especially enjoyed the years when I became anonymous going to Dominion Chalmers and Christ Church Cathedral. It was wonderful just to go and worship and be with God in His House.  I just worked and spent the rest of the time with my children who were now pretty grown up for sure. Edward was so busy in those years he was seldom home in the evening - meeting after meeting plus he did French courses for years. 

Then suddenly in 2004 he decided to retire and that did surprise me but he loved it doing his genealogy full time and he loved cooking making lovely meals for us day after day. I would work another three years and then I retired as well and finally I got him to travel to Europe which he loved doing once he got over the first trip. Of course we were always on the go to different conferences and ancestor hunting (as I called it) in the United States and Canada and Edward's many meetings all through those years of  his retirement.

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