Thursday, June 3, 2021

Decision made

I have been debating about where to bury Edward and ultimately me. Because I need to downsize my living requirements and move closer to my daughter so that she can take care of me it is too far for her to be running back and forth, burying Edward at Beechwood was going to be very complicated. The best idea is simply to keep his urn with us and then bury us together where ever my family decide to do that. Love the idea; the spot where I have the urn right now is perfect. He is surrounded by his favourite indoor plants and I can visit him anytime I choose. 

All in all it is a decision that works best for all of us. Edward will still be in our daily lives. I am getting too old to look after a house this large and a yard equally large. I never go anywhere in Ottawa other than shopping for groceries; Edward was the outgoing one and did so many things. So living much closer just means that if anything needs to be done I am close at hand.

I am still quite overwhelmed by everything. However health wise I have been very lucky. I haven't been in a hospital since my last child was born 39 years ago. Other than osteoarthritis, cataracts growing slowly and my nervous disorder which I have been quite lucky with given I am 75 years of age; I am pretty healthy although I work at that doing at least 90 minutes of exercise every day which includes a 30 min walk, 20 minutes of calisthenics and a 30 minute run. Gardening is good exercise as well although I think it helps if you like gardening. Slowly things are falling into place. The books are nearly all packed. The bookcases have a new home if we can just get them out of the house. 

The donation of the bed worked very well and someone now has it that needed it in order to come home from the hospital. The next is the chair lift and the same person who organized the donation of the bed is working on that now. It was a great chair lift for Ed. It gave him so much mobility and when he was taken to the hospital the last time the paramedics used the chair lift to bring him downstairs. It was so much easier for them as well. 

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