Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Front bed all cultivated

I must really believe it will rain tomorrow as I have worked up the front flower bed. It was very very dry and digging down even about 10 centimetres it was still dry. Hopefully it really will rain tonight and all day tomorrow. I still have to see how much I can get done in the back. Some parts have been cultivated because of the bedding plants being put into them. Cultivating it is important with the rain coming and the water will sink in instead of running off. Will see how much I can accomplish by evening. 

Found sunflower seeds yesterday so will get them planted as well. We have one bush sunflower plant coming up from last year which was quite exciting. I left plenty of room around it so that it can grow as big as last year hopefully. That plant was stupendous. 

Still the onions to plant and that is this afternoon. That bed is all ready to plant. There are two saplings of elderberry to transplant and I may risk doing that today now with the rain coming. It has been just too dry to transplant them thus far. 

Other than that the plants are looking good in spite of the drought. I have watered them a little when they needed it. The primrose were lying flat on the ground so have actually watered them twice but they are used to a damp climate (namely England) so have greater water aspirations for sure. 

June is hopefully the month where everything gets straightened out. Hopefully all the book donations will be given letting me then work on the house. I still have the chair lift to resolve. I am not sure how to donate that actually and will start looking into that. Again I would like to see it used and Edward would have wanted that as well. It was a wonderful tool for him and made his life so comfortable the entire time that we had it. He still did the stairs when he was feeling strong using the chair lift when he was tired. But it made all the difference in his life as he was free to go up and work in his office or come down and watch TV or read whenever he wanted. He liked to be independent and it certainly did that for him for quite a while. The chair is still like new and has worked without any difficulty the entire time that it has been installed. 

With all the boxes of books gone though I can start to work through everything else. Ed certainly acquired a lot of items in his life that I will donate because the house that I buy will be very small. I will keep some of them that were special to both of us but a lot of them were things that he wanted to have. We both had our own time within the marriage where we worked away at our projects and that is starting to help me a little to move forward. I still feel so sad that he did not get to do absolutely everything that he wanted to do but my beliefs let me feel and sense that he is happy and free now. He is looking down and thinking that I should get back to doing what I was doing before he needed me to help him all the time.  I do try to do that and gradually I am looking at projects that I am working on.

My newsletters are my biggest projects that are outstanding as I haven't produced one since last November. I hope that by this November I will be all caught up.

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