Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Not a gardener

Planted the tomato and pepper plants today. Built a chicken wire fence around the peppers to see if that protects them from the rabbits. They do not eat tomato plants. Every time I garden it reminds me that I am not a gardener really; I do not want to spend a lot of time at it but on the other hand if I needed to eat I could become a gardener quite rapidly and enjoy it. Edward did think I was enjoying working in the garden after he slowed down and found it hard to look after everything. I never actually said anything and he didn't read my blog; found it too long. Since it is in reality a diary to myself I am happy with the length but quite understand reluctance to read the entire episode when I become long and windy. 

Worked up the part of the main garden that we will plant the dutch onion sets in later. Green onions are a favourite in this household for sure. We buy them year round and they go into everything. Still need to till that area and then water it if it doesn't rain this afternoon. The ground is pretty dry. I was digging down fairly deep with the shovel and moisture is quite a ways down now. The maple tree is still lapping up the water deep down but the cedar hedge is starting to look like it needs water. But a cedar hedge can tolerate quite a drought before it succumbs. 

Not sure that I can remember a drought this long for a while. The Black Walnut is over half the yard now and likely further than that by fall. It is going to be a huge tree. Will be glad to leave it behind as it is a messy tree for most of the growing season dropping its sundry items. 

Yesterday I completed all but the dusting on the top floor and will work away at that shortly. Just resting now after my gardening. I remember my grandmother at 65 to 70 and she could work away all day but by 75 she was slowing down; taking life easier and spending more time with her knitting than with digging the gardens. Perhaps I should take up knitting again. It is really good for the fingers although typing is better I think as you are using every finger with the same amount of pressure. 

Hopefully rain later. I was already out on the garden swing. I do love a garden swing. It is such a pleasant way to while away an hour and have good exercise for the arthritic knees!

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