Monday, June 21, 2021

Not Just Tourists is a marvelous volunteer organization

I was introduced to the "Not Just Tourists" volunteer group by the palliative coordinator at CCAC. I had a very large cardboard box full of bandaging material that had been for Edward when he was home-nursed by CCAC. MOHLTC does not permit this material back into the system so it is donated around the world which is a wonderful idea as well. This donation went to Cuba. But they also do health care supplies and so I donated Edward's three walkers (we had one on each floor finally), his bath chair and a super pole for support when taking showers. He used them all and would be happy that I have donated them to some place where there is a need for them. His hospital bed was already donated and the Chair Lift is on the list for donation and waiting for a person who has need of such a device but can not afford to purchase one. Edward loved his Chair Lift and it made the difference between his carrying on with a normal routine and not doing so. He continued with his Chair Lift right up until he was hospitalized in March although we had to help him the last couple of months. 

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