Monday, June 28, 2021

Ottawa Virtual 5K Race

We ran the 5K in the Ottawa Virtual Marathon and thus far I am the only female who ran in the 75-79 age group. That did surprise me actually. 

The cleaning begins once again as it is Monday. Today the top floor and I shall try to be as efficient as I have been lately on the main floor. It is a slightly larger area with the room over the garage. It is much too big for me; it always was as Ed occupied most of it with an office in the room over the garage and our bedroom was half library or more plus all the closets were bulging with boxes including the room where I worked. I still have not looked in the boxes in that closet. I did aspire to being totally on line and except for one large bucket of documents and pictures I have been able to keep to that. I have one bookcase of books but not a large one. 

On to the day. Must pick raspberries. Will begin with another page of the will and then off to breakfast. It always surprises me that I can pick up these transcriptions from the 1500s and 1600s and still read them after a year of not really doing any.

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