Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Second day of vaccination

No soreness in the arm today. By evening last night I did have a headache and my arm was a bit sore but today no soreness. I notice my resting heart rate has increased from 58 to 62 bpm. Other than that I do not appear to have a reaction yet other than what one would expect from a vaccination. My resting heart rate is generally around 52 or 53 but has been elevated since March somewhat. Grief does show up in different ways it would appear. 

Today we are taking several boxes of VHS tapes and DVDs to Salvation Army along with three bags of household items that have been stacked up for about six months - mostly pillows. Can not think why we had so many pillows but they will help other people. The tapes and DVDs have also been boxed up for quite a while. It will be good to have Salvation Army open again. We also have a couple of boxes of books that were my fathers. Many have not seen the light of day for a while now. He liked Zane Grey as I recall one set. 

We found Edward's genealogical DVD set and will get those recorded for donation to the OGS Ottawa Branch as well. He did like to have lots of reference material close at hand and made good use of all of it. 

Backed up my computer yesterday as I had not done that for nearly a year. Time passes both quickly and slowly. Edward backed up his computer in early February as he did every beginning of the month. 

Today I shall also work on the bricks along the side of the laneway. Outside work never diminishes; if anything it multiplies very quickly if you do not keep a handle on it. 

Need to work on the subclades of H11 as well; I do want to complete that task by the end of the week. Then I shall think about a combined issue of the Pincombe Newsletter for March and June. I have not thought about the subject matter for those two issues other than continuing the transcription of the North Molton Parish Registers. Perhaps I should consider publishing Bishop Nympton next along with North Molton.

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