Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sunday - an entire week has passed

This week simply flew by. We had a couple of projects that we wanted to accomplish and did do that. We are in Stage 1 of reopening but we are being very cautious. Delta variant is all across Canada now apparently. I get my second COVID-19 shot today and then four weeks to full protection. Caution is advised by the PHAC. We will follow their guidelines.

Spent part of yesterday cleaning the bricks along the laneway. This is the usual time of the year for doing that. I have been doing it alone now for several years. Thinking about it the gardening has been my project now for the last ten years although Edward got stronger by 2014 and was back to some gardening but he tired and would sit on the swing or his chair and watch the birds at the feeder. It will take me a couple of days to clean all the bricks of grass and debris. I used to do it in one day but this year I am spreading it out. I am stronger than I was but I still tire. 

Today our Church Service is the National Indigenous Day of Prayer. St Albans, la Communaute de St-Bernard a l'Eglise St-Alban and St Luke are part of the combined worship service. I will worship at 10:30 am as usual. I did begin a little early and thankyou to everyone for bringing this service into my home via You-Tube.

We have outlined our next projects that Edward had wanted completed - he was active in the Ham Radio Club so we are gathering up all of that equipment to give to them (if they want it) or otherwise it will go to electronic recycling. The second project is his Camera Collection. Most of this has already been placed elsewhere but what is left we will donate to the Salvation Army as there are other collectors out there and still some interesting pieces are here although the best is gone for sure. 

Sometimes I think I should keep everything as it was but he didn't want that and so I should not follow that inclination. He wanted his grandsons to develop their own interests and there are still a lot of his hobbies that they could pick up if they want. He never gave any direction on some things. 

Another blessed Sunday and it is a beautiful day.

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