Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday - the last one in June

My favourite day by far has always been Sunday. Waking up early and seeing the morning and knowing this is a day that is complete. Life always returns to Sunday and the gift of God to his people. Today it is the promise of more rain which we still need a lot of to moisten the growing earth. Leaves are inside out in the wind; the promise is there but not until later perhaps as the sun has just broken through the clouds bathing us with that brilliant light. 

Church at 10:30 on YouTube; service bulletin on line. The ingenuity of the human race has given us the ability to still have Church even with massive lockdowns. We can still thank God for his love. 

Yesterday was a day of great accomplishment as we worked on the basement which has been cluttered for awhile. There are items to go to Restore that are still useable but I do not want them; they are too big or too many or they just have the ability to have a new life and I should do that for them. I need to keep downsizing and my daughter helps to keep me on that path even when I become resistant and afraid that I am losing too much of Edward since he accumulated all of this stuff. But this isn't just Edward. I have so many reminders of Edward all around me I can give some away to others to restore and give new life to those objects. 

The downsizing can continue. I have those huge bookcases which have not yet left and they need to go along with the books so that we can move forward. All of them are going to places that Edward wanted or that have appeared because of what he had done in the past with his books which had become surplus to him a few years ago. 

The next step is definitely the Chair Lift to a new person with such great need. The books to the archives; the bookcases and other books to their new home so that we can reorganize the house in a less busy way so that I can maintain it for a little longer before I sell it. Gradually the things around me will be what Edward and I especially shared these last few years together when we grew close once again as in our younger days. The busyness of our middle years will disappear with the downsizing and my memories will be of fresh happenings in those days of travel in the world. Those interesting items that we purchased on our walks in the mall remind me of our later anniversaries and birthdays with all those good memories of time shared. 

Thank you Sunday for always being there week after week. COVID-19 continues to affect our lives in so many ways.

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