Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday; the perfect day

For me, Sunday is always the perfect day. Although it is cloudy out there we desperately need rain; so cloud is a good thing. On Sunday my day is ordered for me. I wake up and read my Bible Reading which helps to prepare my mind for Morning Service at 10:30 on You-Tube. I am loving the You-Tube service even when there are technical difficulties because I have the Bulletin and can just complete the service myself. Not quite what God intended but it is fitting when man can not control the elements that they have created. God is still with us whether there is electricity or You-Tube is functioning or the camera that is being used is managing. 

Yesterday I completed the older Research Blog. It was an interesting trip down memory lane. Ed, for a couple of years recorded a diary of his day. It reminded me of the Edward that I knew for most of our marriage. A healthy busy person who went from project to project as the day passed seamlessly and with great joy. He had an inner strength that took him through each day enjoying everything around him. He had so many hobbies and we are still sorting through all of them trying to respectfully make sure that all of the things that he did are remembered and lovingly redistributed to those who will also enjoy them. 

Yesterday I found the four Family Bibles I have been looking for and we have already redistributed them in theory as people who want them will have them. Our interests do not include owning so many family artifacts; they should be where they will be part of a collection honouring one ancestor or another and they all have a new home to go to. Now we are in the process of collecting up two lots of items - one for his niece and a second for a Link half cousin. There are two chests to fill and we are slowly filling them up on the one hand his mother's things and the niece is her oldest grand daughter and she lived with her as a child so much desired and wanted and on the other hand the Link family memorabilia. There is a great deal of it because Ed received it all directly from his grandfather who had many treasured items. His half cousin already has memorabilia and is happy to have the rest. We have scanned everything so will also have that memory but others can see it where it is going. 

Another beautiful Sunday; God bless. 

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