Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Blake Newsletter and garden swing

Cleaning 100% accomplished yesterday so today I will spend some time on the Blake Newsletter and fixing the canopy of the garden swing. I am sewing the canopy to the bars so that I can trim away the central part which has literally thinned out until it is threadbare and slowly ripping. I bought a sheet to use instead that we can remove when it is raining making it easier to use the swing when the sun comes out again without having to wait for everything to dry. I enjoy the garden swing and it is the second one that we bought. This one is big enough for three and the first was just big enough for two. This way there is room to put things down beside you if you want. Edward didn't particularly like the swing but sometimes we would sit and swing together and then get up and walk around the yard; more so the last couple of years.  The swing is great for anyone with arthritis.

I am taking my time with the newsletter as my eyes got a bit tired working on the transcriptions. I tend to just throw myself into things like that and work too long. I want to get it published though by mid week next week at the latest. I never expected to be caught up so quickly. When I saw that LTC patients only get four hours of care per day in total I was somewhat shocked as Edward was pretty much around the clock care by last Christmas and continuing then into the winter. 

Also cleaning the main floor closet today. I cleaned it partly yesterday by hanging Edward's coats out to air and then put them upstairs. It was a sad moment especially looking at his leather jacket that he bought about eight years ago. He loved that jacket but it was too heavy for him to wear the last couple of years. When an invalid is with you 24/7 you do not notice that they are becoming frailer and weaker; at least I did not. 

Looks like rain today and we could definitely use rain. The Black Walnut tree and our Maple Tree completely block the view now from the window now. We watched a program on Netflix on Sunday afternoon on care of soil; regenerating soil. I am not going to cultivate after all. I will just pull out any weeds that are bigger than the plants that we are growing. Definitely after 50 years of growing vegetables in the same soil even though we do replenish it with compost the soil is definitely not as rich as it once was. 


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