Friday, July 23, 2021

Celebration of Life

We will do a Celebration of Life for Edward around Christmas. It was a favourite season for him. We are still missing him very much but know that he would want us to carry him with us in our thoughts and prayers as we move through life. Perhaps it was because he dove right into life and captured all the things that he liked doing that it is so hard to believe that he is gone. But he is safe with God now and wrapped tightly in his arms. The Celebration of Life will be family only. Although Edward knew many many people and belonged to so many groups we would like to celebrate his life as we lived it with him. He tended to keep his home life separate from his business/volunteerism and so we will celebrate that part of his life that belonged solely to us; his home time. He always had so many wonderful ideas and plans which he carried us along in and we learned so much from him throughout our time with him. 

I was given the privilege of watching him grow from a young man who had lived in a small village and gone to a District High School and then off to the City to University where I met him. His first car; his first job after his PhD, MLS and Post Doc; his two daughters were all things I got to share in. We had a lot of fun times and I do regret that it took me so long to persuade him to travel to Europe as he ended up loving it more than I did really (I first tried to persuade him after he finished his PhD way back in 1970). He was always ready to go back once the dust settled on that first trip. 

During COVID-19 he talked about our trip to The Netherlands and Germany and was starting to plan a trip to the Galapagos Islands. Then there was a desire to go to Gracelands and on to New Orleans on a bus trip. He wanted to spend a month in Arizona (preferably February) going by bus and take the bus trip to Florida to see Cape Canaveral. He said to me when his illness was overwhelming that I should go on all of those trips but he knew that I would not go. He also said not to spend all of my time transcribing but he knew that I would likely do that. 

Peace to you dear Edward; we are thinking of you always. 

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