Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Edward's genealogy Books

Today Edward's boxes of genealogy Books are being picked up by the OGS Ottawa Branch. It is sad to see them go in some ways but it was his wish that they be donated as he knew that I would not use them for any work that I am doing. My interests are in my one name studies (my parent's surnames Blake and Pincombe) and Population Studies looking at DNA with respect to those same one name studies and my mtDNA haplogroup H11. Researching one's particular family is not an interest of mine especially as my sister is already doing that work and enjoys it very much. Coming from a large family I never really reached out to make friends although was quite ready to help with all kinds of projects and still do do projects. My interest in Health Care continues and I am involved in several projects as a patient partner. 

My daughters asked me if I would travel again and take bus trips but I said no that I had seen pretty much everything that I wanted to see in the British Isles and Europe. Edward was really the one who pushed us to keep traveling about in the British Isles and Europe and we had great times. Generally one visit is good enough for me. Now I would like to settle back into my one name studies and continue that research and publishing my three journals quarterly. I still have a lot of transcription to do and that does interest me. I find old writings to be quite fantastic and for some quirk of fate I am able to read the documents although my latin is still very very weak and I would also like to improve on that skill. 

Edward and I were learning German for a proposed trip back to the area where his great grandparents had emigrated from in the mid 1800s. Illness and COVID-19 did come between that idea and fruition. I would not do that trip on my own as I do not have any German research to do and Edward has lots of cousins who are also descendant of that set of great grandparents. 

What I have not yet done is made it to the west coast of Canada and I would like to take the train from Winnipeg to the west coast doing both routes (north and south). Another trip I would like to do is the North West Passage and perhaps one of these days I will do that. Likely my daughter will go with me on both of these trips as they interest her as well. Other than that my interests in traveling are pretty minimal. There is always so much planning and learning before you go so that you get the greatest benefit from the trip and that eats into my research time and transcription time.

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