Thursday, July 15, 2021

Half way through July

Surprisingly it is the 15th of July and the summer months are 1/4 gone. Finally we got rain and the lawn is greening up once again. Peppers and tomatoes are developing and the green onions and lettuces have been enjoyed these past few weeks. We are glad that we planted everything. The raspberries need picking again today. 

Worked on the Blake Newsletter yesterday and will continue today. The main floor is now completely cleaned and just the basement on Friday. The cleaning continues to be a lot of work but it is healthy exercise for sure. I am coming closer to 76 just two months away and I will be over 3/4ths of a century old. I have watched a world recover from World War II in my young childhood; watched a Cold War descend and then the day the Berlin Wall came down. Life just kind of flowed for a while after that as we brought the computer age into 2000 and then we had a new threat Al Qaeda and the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City.  Computers are the underpinning of our society now. 

Everywhere we go everything we do involves computers and I was lucky to be part of that back in the 60s when I started out with Hollerith Cards and then tape and then dumb terminals and finally smart terminals. We have had a home computer of some sort since 1984 - almost half of my lifetime now. 

We can only move forward in time; life is always directed forward. But we can carry all those memories with us so that they are not lost. Downsizing continues although the pace is slower as we start to get into decisions on what to keep; what to share and what to give to Salvation Army.

Will I ever adjust to life without Edward? I actually doubt it; he will always be in my mind but definitely as the days and weeks pass I am slowly accepting that loss as living had become very difficult for him with his chronic condition plus a hernia that needed surgery plus developing cataracts that needed surgery in order for his life style to at least be stable. He fought hard until he could fight no more and now he is at peace with the father who died when he was two. They were in the barn where his father had built him a playpen so that he could be with him all day if Edward wanted to do that. Unfortunately his father had a grand mal seizure (he suffered from epilepsy) and when he fell he banged his head on the cement floor. Edward's cries brought attention but he himself had no memory of that day; he was just two years and two months old. Keep Edward close dear God.

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