Saturday, July 3, 2021

Oh where is the rain

We still need rain. Today is a clear away day again with another load to Salvation Army. We just can not manage all of the items that Edward had and he was in the process of downsizing before COVID-19 shut us all down. The garage is full once again. I did ask a neighbour if they would like a couple of things that might make good props for theatre and perhaps they might. Not being overly artistic I have no idea but it seemed a pity not to ask since they are older items. Edward was thinking of going to one of his plays but we just never made it there. Another great love for Edward was the theatre; he loved going to the theatre and we did go to the NAC for a few years after we retired. But we got busy at least Edward got too busy with his many other interests. We did go to the theatre once in New York (The MET) and once in London England (Old Victoria Theatre) and Edward went in Paris; I begged off that evening as I was tired from all of our traveling. We were with a tour of Europe that time; one of those four country tours over eighteen days and it was very good. 

But off to Salvation Army with our load later today. I think we never threw anything out in our 54 and a half years of marriage There were two good sets of cutlery that couldn't go into the dishwasher and they went last time along with boxes of DVDs and VHS tapes as well as a cedar lined travel trunk which I later thought I could have asked if it might be wanted for a prop. That was what encouraged me to ask this time. 

We are getting there though. There is more space in the basement now to move about. We still have his old camera collection that he hadn't already given to the Princeton Museum a few years ago. Perhaps as much as four boxes most of which my daughter said he actually bought at Salvation Army so it will find a home there again for an enthusiast. There is even an ancient developer lens and roll for black and white film. My father was into developing his own pictures and Edward thought that was pretty neat and so he was into that as well. It does take a long time to sort through items and I haven't even touched his research boxes yet. That will be next winter. 

Hopefully I will complete the transcription today and start writing up the discussion for the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter. 

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