Thursday, July 1, 2021

Pincombe land document from 1605

Still working my way through the John Pincombe land document from 1605. I have completed (on a first run through so some blanks here and there) seven of the thirteen items on the first page and the second page has another twenty one items although unlike the first page a number of these are just two or three lines of text. It started out very slowly as I have never read a document quite like this one although once into it I could see similarities with other documents so that has speeded me up somewhat. Perhaps it is also not having done too much of this work for a couple of years except for small bits and pieces. 

The item to remember (and I keep it in my mind) is that Gertrude Pyncomb sold all of this property at auction in the 1730s which likely included Gatcombe where my John Pincombe lived in the 1830s. Before him his Uncle John had held Gatcombe and the will of Robert Pincombe pretty much left out John in terms of items given so one is left to conclude that John inherited Gatcombe from his Uncle John and perhaps that was a tradition within this John Pincombe family that the land would be held by a John Pincombe or perhaps it was a honour paid to this line that eventually died out to remember this John Pincombe who amassed a fortune in land at the time which remains basically intact until Gertrude deeded it all to Charity to be sold at auction and the monies used as directed. I just found it interesting that so many times there was a John Pincombe at Gatcombe through the centuries. 

My line descends from Thomas Pincombe one of the three sons (by the visitation of 1620 of Devon) of the Pincombe who came to North Molton in 1485. My line is at Bishops Nympton from the late 1500s and continued there into the 1900s although my direct ancestor emigrated to Canada in 1850/51. Thomas was a brother to the father/grandfather of this John Pincombe. I am trying to really pin this John Pincombe to a particular line that blends in with the Visitation and the Family Chart produced by the earlier researcher. 

Time for a break and must pull some weeds. At my best I am not a gardener but I do try hard. I notice I do not try as hard now as I wanted it to be nice for Edward. He helped me but could not keep up with all of it the last few years; as he decreased I increased but I must admit he did a much better job. Certainly gardening was another of his favourite hobbies. One wonders what was his favourite. I asked him once and he always said it depended upon the time of the year which makes a lot of sense. He had a rigorously ordered life in terms of what he did when. I did get him to go on the stationary bike after he found his elliptical machine too much of an effort which he enjoyed doing while he watched the television. 

Definitely television was another hobby of Edwards as he loved to watch. I noticed that he was watching for several hours in the morning after gardening was done in the fall so I sat with him every morning and watched cooking shows which he also loved and was another hobby of his to cook interesting and different meals. We would chat in between and I could usually persuade him to get up and walk about for a few minutes every hour.

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