Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Advances in Braille

 One of the skills I learned as a child was reading braille. Next door to my grandmother when I was about eight years old was living a student in ophthalmology who told my grandmother that I would be blind by the time I was 20 years of age. The impact on me was to learn Braille. As it turned out I was not blind at 20 years of age but I do wear fairly strong glasses. My eyes are surprisingly strong as I have read thousands of documents now in middle English as I kept busy the last 12 years doing paleography when spare time appeared. These have been very busy years since I retired early in 2008 officially although I actually finished working in mid 2007 when my shoulder injury made it necessary for me to do a lot of physio. 

I see my transcriptions as part of my service to God by making available the Church Records which I have transcribed through the years. Doing Service at Church is no longer within my ability and has not been for many many years. 

Just noticing that some of the leaves on the maple tree have started to turn or they are just not getting enough water perhaps. The Black walnut does block out much of the sky these days. Possibly in five years it will pretty much cover our yard.

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