Sunday, August 15, 2021

Another beautiful Sunday

The windows are open today letting in the fresh breezes cool and fresh in the morning. It is just 14 degrees. We have waited all week for a cooling trend although it may not last I do not think we will have such heat as this past week. I still enjoy that hot weather; my arthritis enjoys the heat for sure. The winters are long and cold here although I love that period as well when we are just inside with oodles of working time. 

Off to Church at 10:30 via YouTube. This morning I awoke feeling that Ed's presence is still here even though we have changed so much now but his research room looks very like his study when the girls were younger except for the hope chest in the corner where the desk was in those days.  The three large chests were not here at that time but rather that wall was lined with towering bookcases filled to the brim. When Ed started to volunteer with the Friends of Library and Archives Canada back in 2004 the bookcases were all over the house where ever there was a spot that could hold a bookcase. In the basement it was wall to wall bookcases which created a family room with the television there. The television was always in the basement here until the fall before the pandemic when we carried it upstairs and redid the living room. It was one of the changes which he most enjoyed and his new centre became the living room where he enjoyed so many programs on the television although he was still very active in the Fall of 2019 with all sorts of travel plans. 

Between 2004 and 2016 when Edward stopped volunteering with FLAC, he transported many many bags of books to donate for the sales. I do not know how many books we actually had as I had only catalogued about half of them into LibraryThing when he started to reduce the number. I would estimate over 10,000 though but they were coming in still as well as going out so no real idea on that actual number. We had nearly 2000 VHS tapes and about 500 DVDs and these have been reduced to just three book boxes now. We liked documentaries mostly and had purchased quite a few biblical tapes and DVDs through the years which I have retained. The bulk of them went to one of my older brothers who enjoyed them and passed them on to book sales when he was finished with them. 

Time does march onward and we must keep up with that beat or fall behind which has been the case for our species from the beginning of our time. We have been watching documentaries on Netflix in the evening the past few months. Just one show as I tend to just watch the news and weather on the television a few times a day. I do like Netflix though for its sets of documentaries. This one is about Islands and the flora and fauna which dwells there. They have been most interesting and last night was the Galapagos which Ed decided he would like to visit when the pandemic was over. It was a fascinating documentary and the visit would certainly have been most interesting. The planned trip to Germany was very much on his mind as well and we continued improving our German in preparation for that up until early in this year. We both studied scientific German in our university days so had a smattering of the language making it somewhat easier to learn everyday conversation. 

On to the day and enjoying all of that fresh air.

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