Friday, August 27, 2021

Cancelling appointments for Edward

I had been trying to cancel an appointment for a cataract assessment for Edward over the past few weeks but kept getting caught in a telephone merry go round that eventually told me to try again later. This morning I did get through and managed to cancel the appointment which is lucky for someone needing an appointment on short notice as it has taken me over a month since I learned of the appointment (quite accidentally) to cancel it. 

It is such a hard thing to say that he is deceased so making the call is difficult in itself and I tend to fumble the words even now. In this computer age one thinks that it is possible to simply mark his chart that he is deceased and appointments will no longer be made for him. But it is a big world and he is not likely the only person who is deceased for whom appointments are made and doing all the paper work does take time for sure. 

I have been busy cleaning this week and today it is the basement and the robot is running around collecting up the dust accumulation of one week. Soon I will wash the floor and then dust and another floor and another week of cleaning is completed on schedule. Tuesday and Thursday we did not do very much in the way of cleaning as that is our plan. It keeps the dust to a minimum doing it floor by floor every other day with the weekend off. 

Cleaned out the desk drawers yesterday and working on the dresser drawers today. I like to keep them sorted so that I can easily find items. Edward used to sort everything keeping it very organized all the time but I tend to do it occasionally as the drawer is less settled. His work room as it was back in the 90s and early 2000s is almost complete with just a couple more pictures to place on the walls. After he completed his masters and came to work at NRC here he felt all thumbs. He had been working hard at his Postdoc and then his MLIS plus doing lab demonstrations in Chemistry without much downtime. He wanted to work at something fine so I suggested needlepoint as I had a number of kits that I had not yet done (wild flowers, song birds and a large woodland scene) so I taught him the stitches that he needed to know and he worked away at that instead of reading or working on his Ham Radio in the evenings after our eldest had gone to sleep. It certainly relaxed him and he did a beautiful job of the needlepoint and they grace the walls of his office as they did years ago. 

You can feel that fall is coming these days. This morning it was cool and I opened up all the windows to let in that fresh air (14 on the air quality index). Closed up now and the sun is shinning gloriously. It will be a beautiful day. We are still taking a couple of quarts of cherry tomatoes off of our tomato bushes and a few green peppers. The lettuce is all finished but the basil is still producing with the parsley having been mostly eaten by the rabbits before we could get to it! Last night we used our air fryer outside to make small potatoes and asparagus marinated in olive oil and some spices. Then poached the salmon on the stove and had a cooked spinach salad for our dinner. Time for hot meals once again. 


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