Monday, August 30, 2021

Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter completed and will be posted Wednesday

 I completed the Pincombe-Pinkham newsletter and will upload  to the website. Hard to believe that the next issue starts Volume 7. For the most part comments are positive on my Pincombe-Pinkham research although I did have one negative comment a couple of years ago (I only just read it lately as I had forgotten that I had moderated my comments). It was dealing with the Pincombe Coat of Arms which was awarded to John Pincombe of South Molton but his line daughtered out and in fact no descendants that I know of are left of that line but I can be corrected if wrong. It was a sort of anti-American rant in that the comment mentioned that Americans think that this family had a coat of arms and it was just their invention. Well in reality they did have a coat of arms although no one uses it officially although I have put a copy into the newsletter for prosperity. I do live a long way away from Devon, England though so there may be descendants of that South Molton line but none known to me! The South Molton line was the wealthier of the Pincombe families that descended from that first Pencombe who came with Lord de la Zouch to North Molton in 1485. Was he from Pencombe Herefordshire? Others close to that area might be able to determine that but I will leave it to people who live much closer to the record office. I have no plans to travel to the British Isles. By nature I am a homebody but can be inspired to travel great distances like my pilgrimage to Rome in 2001. Accompanying my husband has been my principal traveling the 54.5 years of our marriage. We traveled a lot in my opinion and would have done even more but I didn't want to do Europe more than once every two years. Edward would have liked to have just gone for a weekend to capital cities and the like and it might have been interesting but if I travel I like to see a lot of the area and not just an opera and dinner out. I like Opera but not enough to go thousands of miles just to get all dressed up for one night out. 

Today is cleaning day for the top floor plus I did grocery shopping. The robot has done its job and I have dusted all the rooms (including the baseboards, my mother was a stickler for doing it up right!) and just have the bathroom to clean and the rug on the stairs to vacuum. This house is much too big but we are doing something different to what was originally thought. My son in law and grandson will be here in the week for our grandson to go to a special school and I will be with my other daughter. The downsizing was a good idea as now there is lots of room for that to happen and Edward would be pleased that we have kept the house as he never wanted to leave it although did occasionally talk about a retirement home but when the discussion turned to what to do with everything he always changed his mind. He wanted to have everything and the only way was to be here. 

Myself I wanted to sell about six years ago and move to where one of my daughters lives but we could not agree on that idea and so we stayed here and visited them instead. Edward liked being part of everything especially the Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. He was still a Member at Large enjoying every minute of those meetings. He could not do as much as he had been doing but it felt good to him to still be there. I became somewhat nervous of the driving as I was doing it and the traffic can be heavy on the Queensway but we managed. One day I shall go and see his books in the Archives at City Hall which is utilized by the Ottawa Branch and BIFHSGO jointly. Will I stay a member of Ottawa Branch? Edward was the chief member; I was just along for the ride. The membership at BIFHSGO is different; I have always been the main member and Edward part of our household membership. Not that we went very often and probably will still not go. I notice all the online meetings but can not seem to get myself into that. I am not really a very sociable person; I prefer to just work away at my projects. I did speak in the past but will never do that again. Edward liked my doing that so I did oblige him but the interest on my part was somewhat low. I did used to set up a table for the Guild of one-name Studies when I was the Eastern Canada Representative but that was before Edward's pacemaker. Since then I avoided taking on any responsibility other than my own basic research in order to help him. 

I found a photo album that Edward prepared during the building of Orleans United Church. He loved being part of that and was the Church Treasurer (there was a separate Treasurer for the building) during that time period (for about ten years in total from the time he took it on until he stepped down although it did not take that long to build the Church building!). There are a lot of pictures from the dedication of the land and the first shovel to the dedication of the Church. I have mentioned it to the one individual that I still know from the Church (he was our lawyer helping us to do our wills back in the mid 1990s and I communicated with him shortly after Edward died as I needed to change my will) but haven't given it up yet as my daughters are still looking at it. It was a big part of both of their lives although I had taught them the Anglican Catechism and Church History as children and would say they are more Anglican/Catholic than United Church. Eventually I will give it to the Church though as it is very comprehensive and they might enjoy having it for their archives. Edward would have liked them to have it I am sure. We were there regularly until Edward's brother died and a chance mention in the Church Bulletin that there was a special Old Testament lecture being given at Dominion Chalmers by one of the old Testament Scholars from St Pauls University and he was also the minister at Dominion Chalmers sent us on a new path. Edward found that so meaningful at a difficult time in his life when he had lost his brother and his mother was failing so we started to attend the regular Sunday Services there until that minister retired. The new minister there was more folksy in terms of his music and approach so we moved on to my Church (Christ Church Cathedral (Anglican)) which we had been attending somewhat  (I had started to tithe there in the mid 1990s instead of the local Anglican Church) and went there full time really until Edward's health deteriorated and he required a pacemaker. He loved the music at the Cathedral and it continues to be spectacular. But I digress and must get back to work vacuuming.

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