Thursday, August 12, 2021

Research Room preparation continues

We continued putting together the Research Room yesterday. The only extra items in the room are the Hope Chest that belonged to Edward's mother which is going to her oldest grandchild and the Family Bibles of the Kipp and Schultz families (Edward's paternal grandparent's lines). A cousin of Edwards is interested in those Bibles. We will also put together all of the dishes of Edward's mother for her oldest grand daughter. That will remain with us until we can get all of these items to southwestern Ontario. Edward's desk is now in front of the window and we will put his urn and the flowers (orchids) which my daughter has managed to get to produce enormous blooms this past month on top of the desk but otherwise we will restore the desk to the way that it looked when Edward was using it. His computer is on the computer desk also in the room and where he had it when he used this room as his study. We moved all of the picture albums to the wooden bookcases which he stained and varnished. Gradually we will go through those albums and keep just the pictures that are family pictures since there are about 40 picture albums between 1965 and 2001. The rest of the images are digital from 2001 to the present. 

The closet will hold 12 research boxes which is rather lucky as I thought it might just be 9 banker boxes. The remaining 11 boxes will need to be placed somehow but will work on the logistics of that later. Since we have decided not to move for at least another three years we are putting the books that we have kept back on the bookcases that we also kept. The children's books will all go in the living room. It will be a little different than we thought since we are going to stay. I need to come up with a plan for the backyard as I can not maintain that in other than grass for the most part. The trees growing up around us are so large and grew so quickly but are helping with that for sure as grass is all that will grow for the most part these days. 

The yard is huge and would lend itself to a nice pool and patio with sun in the morning behind the house and shade in the afternoon perhaps the best case scenario for any backyard! There would still be plenty of room for a pleasant patio area at the back under the maple tree and the hedge is gradually filling in after the accident about seven years ago that destroyed the fence further down from us but also did take out about one quarter of our back fence which was repaired by the city.  But that is for someone else to do not me! Being right on the light rail route (just a ten minute walk) to downtown is also advantageous. Plus it has four bedrooms and you could put in a sliding glass door at the back which would lead out to a patio and pool. You could even extend this house if you wanted as the depth of the yard from the back of the house to the back fence is just over 180 feet. 

The Research Room looks down on the backyard and it is quite quiet even given the presence of a four lane road behind us. The hedge and tree block all of that traffic noise and the street is quiet in the day and night just work time coming and going keep it busy. 

More work today vacuuming and putting books on the shelves and vacuuming research boxes into the research room. I also want to find out how many dishes there actually are that belonged to Edward's mother. Edward rearranged the kitchen when he retired (and I was still working) and there are piles of unused dishes at the back of most of the kitchen cupboards plus a large white glassed in cupboard contains a number of them. I would like to eliminate that cupboard and this may make it possible. 

On to another day of reorganization.

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