Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sorting and Grass Cutting

Tuesday was a busy day of sorting and grass cutting. We also took another load to Salvation Army. We are starting to get to the end of loads to Salvation Army. The tools go elsewhere and the snow blower. I want to be able to put the car in the garage this winter so that the laneway can be completely cleared by Worry Free. The house cleaning agency will come every two weeks if that works out and that will be a great help as well. I am getting older that is for sure. Seventy six in less than a month God willing. I do not really feel old yet although did feel that way in the spring. I did wonder if illness would claim me for a while. But good care has brought me to a better state of health from my exhaustion and God's help for sure. 

We are to stay in Afghanistan after the American withdrawal on the 31st of August was the earlier thought but that is now changed as we will leave when the American troops are no longer holding the airport. Canadian troops are wonderful; they are dedicated and hard working providing great care to Canadians and others around the world. It was optimistic to think that we could make a difference in Afghanistan. At least the children of one generation actually got to go to school and even university. Will the Taliban continue with that forward surge or will they just be selfish and claim that the tribal ways of the past are good enough for this modern generation? One hopes that they will do as they said and allow women to be part of their country instead of treating them like slaves. 

Today is cleaning the main floor and I will soon begin.

Wednesday is a beautiful day of the week. It is the middle and what has transpired is in the past and what is to come is in the future. Today is a planned day and nothing changes that. All my days are pretty much planned but Tuesday and Thursday have these free time periods when I just work away at what interests me and of course the weekend has lots of free working time. 

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