Wednesday, August 18, 2021

What would God have us do

We need to be the caretakers of the earth not the destroyers. I have been a recycler for a very long time as we collected up our tin cans way back when we first got a car about a year after we married. We took them to the dump ourselves in those day. We must protect the earth; it is our existence. We come from the earth and we return to the earth. The earth is our Mother. 

It is a question that I often ask God - what would he have us do. He does not answer me because the answer is obvious. We need to do our best always. We need to follow the ten commandments and we need to follow the teachings of Jesus - feed the hungry, care for the sick and clothe the needy. Our place in the earth is given to us and we need to protect it in as much as we are capable of doing. 

Yesterday was a downsizing day and there are boxes of linens to go to Salvation Army. We are trying to avoid putting everything into landfill so try not to put out in the garbage things that can be reused. Organizations need to exist that take the items that can be recycled; there is likely money in it in the future but the industry of recycling needs to be created and we have come a long way since I was a child. 

Hopefully rain today at some point as the ground is very very dry. Our tomatoes are doing very well and we continue to take off about two quarts of cherry tomatoes every second day. The peppers got dried out when I was away but are slowly coming back. The lettuce is finished. The onions are all pulled. It was a small garden this year. 

Today I clean the main floor but with all the downsizing I did not get all my dusting done on the top floor so will try to complete that today as well. 

Off to breakfast; love my breakfast of oatmeal, cranberries, and raising cooked for five minutes and then add wheat germ, wheat bran and blueberries. A hearty breakfast to start another busy day. Looking for a slow day to just work away on my stacks of paper work. I need to be ready for income tax time next February. I am literally afraid to throw any paper work out in case I need it. I have done the taxes for many years but this year will be a challenge I think. Time will tell. 

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