Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Another day on emails

Emails at 1598 and hope to bring them down to 1000 today; will see how that goes. Then I still have to reply to the dozen or so that will need a reply. I will need likely to do a little research to do that so probably early next week I will be up to date and hopefully I can stay up to date. I usually kept my email level in the inbox less than 10 before COVID although there were times when the emails built up. Traveling can throw a wrench into the mix for sure. Then there was gardening after I started to do that in 2008; that too slowed up my handling of my Inbox. 

Nearly half way through September; this month has traveled quickly but it leads us right into the long nights that I do cherish as they give me so much research time. I have a company clearing away the snow again this year. That is a job that I really do not need and it is good that enterprising people have come up with snow removal companies. There really isn't anywhere that I have to be so the snow can just sit there and wait for them to come in their sequenced time intervals. I can do the work that I like to do and the world just churns along. 

Probably as a free thinker I do wish that all the world had the opportunity to be free thinkers. But free thinking must be tempered with good sense; an obedience to the secular laws of the land but especially keeping God and Mother Nature uppermost in our thoughts as we live on this earth that has been created. Homo Sapiens has but a short lifetime on this earth that we stride every day and we must respect the signs that Mother Nature sends to us to tell us that we are endangering her planet; she can be very unforgiving. God watches over His world and his timeline is infinite; ours is but finite and we need to respect His laws as well (whether God is male or female doesn't really matter - what does matter is that we follow the laws which have been given to us). 

Enough philosophy and back to work. Lots to do today as everyday; the workload is unending!

Managed to get down to 324 emails which includes 100 which need a longer look so I am moving forward nicely with that. Sent out about eight responses but they were just very short.

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