Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Blake newsletter is completed

 I will publish the Blake Newsletter on the 1st of October (hopefully I do not forget!). I like the article on Nicholas and the next issue will have an article on William his eldest son. I am hoping that other Blake researchers might consider submitting an article on one of their Blake members as I think that getting the information out helps our project of looking at Blake worldwide more feasible. 

Nothing new on the submarine issue but I am hoping that some of the MPs pick up the mantle on this and push for this purchase in a reasonable time frame for our military. It is just so important for our country to be able to supply all of our coastline with the kind of service that our military is well known to be able to do. 

Working on emails today. There are just 80 in my inbox. I will probably still have 40 or more when I have been through them all because some I will keep until Income Tax is done next March. I like to keep some of them front and center. Having done the Income Tax for our family for 55 years I really should be very relaxed about it all but I have never done an income tax for a deceased person. I have all sorts of questions on that really. But I suspect they will all get answered as I work my way through it. 

Next newsletter to prepare is for H11 and it is one of the short ones of the year as I only do a full update in the first issue of each new volume. A number of people have joined in the past few months but I have not yet assigned them. I will perhaps try to go in and do that in the next few days. I wonder if there will be an update to the Phylogenetic Tree prepared by Dr Van Oven. 

Cloudy today and cooler; just ten degrees celsius at 9:00 a.m. Definitely into Fall and yard cleanup time. Will get started at that in another week.

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