Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Cleaning cycle begins

Took Labour Day off from cleaning so the cleaning cycle begins today. Life has begun once again to take on a pattern. I think patterns are good actually. They keep you grounded with items that need doing. My newsletters are like that as well. The beginning of every new month means a new newsletter as well. 

The garden waits now for a frost so that I can cut it all down and bag it up for compost. The growing season was not as good as usual but the drought had a lot of say in that and my not watering. 

Masks are still the order of the day. I actually do not mind wearing a mask. This time of year my hay fever is at its height. Slowly but surely our vaccine percentage is coming up to 85% of the population with a first dose and nearly 77% of the population that is eligible having two doses. We are reaching for 90% double dose and it begins to look more and more doable - that is 90% of the eligible. That will help to protect those who can not be vaccinated.

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