Wednesday, September 1, 2021

First day of September

 The first day of September and it is cool today just 14 degrees celsius. Fresh air blowing in the windows after a long hot dry summer. Fall is just around the corner and soon all that spare time. 

Hemmed drapes first thing this morning. Have meant to do them for a while but fingers were always too busy at other tasks. Today just felt like a hemming morning and so one of the two is done and will finish the other later. I have one more set to hem and then all are done. I do like them to hang a bit before I hem them but it has been quite a while. I love this set of curtains that I am hemming. So much to do still before winter. 

Yesterday I did some gardening and more work on the patio stones. I will spread more sand today and then the polymer sand over top. It seems to work well but doesn't look quite as good as when Edward did it. He was very skilled with his hands. 

A new era begins in the world I think. China is talking about Afghanistan and it would be good if everyone can get together and give the Taliban a sense that there are expectations on the part of the rest of the world in terms of their respecting the rights of the people of Afghanistan. If they want to be a governing body then they must also be the protector of the people not just their enslaver. We will see how that goes. From now on I rather think when terrorism occurs then just get the people who did it and move on. We can not change how people think; they must come to it themselves. Enslavement of women into a lifestyle that does not support their education and health is just wrong but we can not fight other people's battles for them they must do it themselves.

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