Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Raining today

 Raining today; ground is still very dry. Grass will have a bit of time to grow before the cold weather sets in. 17 degrees celsius already and I can hear them working on the light rail out on the highway. Not a loud noise just a quiet sound of working. 

Top floor accomplished yesterday and today the main floor which is possibly the easiest now plus I did a little work on that since the puppy and large dog were here. It is nice to have all the comings and goings the house is busy most of the time now. Edward did find that hard the last couple of years although he loved to see everyone but it tired him. 

Very overcast and dark today; perhaps a lot of rain coming. Will wait and see on that.

No outside work today likely but that is okay; I can concentrate on cleaning the inside. 

I heard from Edward's Swedish cousin in his German great grandparents lines. She was wondering how many descendants in Canada so let her know in the hundreds likely. I have contacted the Schultz family but have not heard back yet but now I am thinking that this correspondent was just curious how many and not in corresponding. That works for me and will just let it rest now.

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