Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Surprising finish to reducing emails

 Through the day I did manage to reduce the number of emails to 78 and these are all emails that I do have to look at in more depth. Amazing really I could not have done that in the past just too much going on in my life to spend that much time on emails in one day!

I get about 100 emails a day from various places and do do a reduction on that day but I just didn't have time the past two years to be able to positively delete some of the emails without a longer glance. 

So the project for today is to go through those 78 emails and one of these days I must do my gmail account. 

Half way through September and I am actually thinking about the Blake Newsletter for the first of October. A few thoughts on discussion points. From now on the first article will be a discussion on some individual. 

Cool out there and looks like rain again so a productive day inside likely.

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