Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Will of Jone Blake of Enham, Hampshire - Family Search, Film 186682, A-377, Page 163, dated 23 Mar 1527/1528

 Jone Blake, a widow, left her will dated the 23rd Mar 1527 which was just near the end of 1527 as Ladys Day 25 Mar would start the year 1528 under the Julian Calendar. Hence the double dating system in use in our time to remind us that we would now consider the 23 Mar 1527 to be 1528. I tend to just think Old Style and New Style but must be more exact when typing on a page that could be seen around the world!

Jone identifies her children as Nycolas, Robert and Elsabet (now Mylne). She identifies her place of living as Enham by the references within the will. This will helps to identify Nicholas Blake as her son who died in 1547 leaving his will identifying his place of abode as Old Hall, Enham.  

The first transcription that I saw for this will was done by someone else. I have since found the will at the Family History Library and transcribed it and basically it is the same as already transcribed with a few changes none of which alter any of the family details already mentioned. This will is written before Henry VIII established himself as Head of the Church of England severing the close ties with the Church in Rome hence the references to the Mass, Lady Saint Mary and the Augustine Friars although all of these catholic reflections continue in the Anglican Church in which I was raised. 

 Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Aug 2013
Source: Family Search, Film 186682, A-377, Page 163
Testator: Jone Blake, widow
Place: Enham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Date of document: 23 Mar 1527
Condition: 16th century English, legible copy

[Top]: copie tes[tament]

1    In dei no[min]ie Amen the yer of owre lord gode oon thowsand five hundredth xxvij the xxiij day of the mon[e]th of marche
2    I Jone Blake wddow w[i]t[h] a hoyle mynde and A goode memo[r]ye maketh my laste wyll and testi[me]nte in thys man[ner] Fyrst I
3    com[m]end my soll unto almighty gode And lady seynt mary and to all the seynts in hevyn and my body to be buryd in
4    the chyrche or the chyrche lyttyn of seynt mykell of Enahm It[em] I gyve and bequeath unto ye mother chyrche of seynt Swy
5    thnye xij d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to ye chyrche of Enahm vj s viij d It[em] I gyff and bequeath xxvjs viij d to be dystrybute
6    unto poor pepyll in peny doyle It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my curat Syr Rychard Mersser xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath
7    to Syr John Batte xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to mayntenyg of the morrow masse prest in Andover xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath
8    to mayntenyg of Jhsus masse in ye chyrche of Andover xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto the p[ri]ror of the Freer Augustines
9    in Wynchest[er] xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to Syr John Whyte freer xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath to ev[er]y freer of ye
10    sayde Augustynes th[at] ys prest iiij d and to ev[er]y novesse ij d of ye sayd place It[em] I gyff and bequeath to ye chyrche of Fosket
11    to mayntenyg of ye light before Seynte Jamys and Seynte Senday xx d It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my dowghter Elsabet   
12    Mylne xx shepe beside thoose she hathe allredy and oon Cows th[a]t I bowght of hyr and xiij s iiij d of money and my gretst
13    pann and fowre plater It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my son Nycolas Blake my tabyll in ye hall and oon clothe callyd ye hallyg
14    and two yryne racks It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto my son Robert Blake oon yryne broche and xviij shepe ye wheche
15    shepe he hath in kepyng It[em] I gyff and bequeath unto Thomas Iesra of Fosket oon yryne broche and the [re]seyde of
16    all my goods moveabyll and unmoveabyll above not legate I gyff unto my chyldrne Nycolas Blake
17    Robert Blake and to Thomas Iesra of Fosket and ye sayd goods to be devydytt amongs them equaly  ev[er]y oon of
18    them elyke weche It[em] I make my sonys Nycolas Blake and Robert Blake my trew executors and Thoms Iesra of
19    Fosket my sup[er]visor th[a]t he see my last wyll and testament cumplet and fulfylld and the foresaid executors to dyspo
20    se for the heylth of my soll as thay shall see moyst expedient these witnesses Syr Rychard Mersser Syr
21    John Batte Nycolas Blake Robert Blake w[i]t[h] other  

When I went through the film at the Family History Library there wasn't a probate for this will.

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