Friday, October 8, 2021

Another day in the yard

Another day in the day and perhaps two days will do it and then I can get back to my Charley retyping. I have six bags to go out to the recycling. A good start for the fall for sure. Hopefully winter will not come too early; would like to clear away the leaves. 

Pulled up the tomato plants and cut down the sunflowers. Cut down the large hostas which had yellowed but the others are still green. Lawn is all nicely cut for the last time. Will let it rest until next year. Must cut down the rose bushes. I think I will leave the metal frames for the gladiolus so that I can find them next year. I am going to let the bulbs stay in the ground. Last year one came up that I had missed. 

So much work in this yard. The good thing is that it is so green and good for the production of oxygen; each of us must do our part in planting items that are good at producing oxygen. Today a little more colour in the maple tree. Probably in two weeks the leaves will be coming down. The fall has extended itself this year as our weather has been most pleasant. 

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