Thursday, October 28, 2021

H11 Newsletter in preparation

 1st of November is H11 Newsletter Issue 4 which again is a small issue as I only do a compilation of results once a year in February. I shall prepare that today. 

Yesterday I managed to get five more of the new matches entered into my charting leaving me with 75 new ones still to do. I had one new match that was especially interesting mostly because of the size of the match which was shared by all but one of my siblings. I can not spot the ancestors in common even at the 3x great grandparent level tracing back with the four grandparent's surnames which were given. This is a match with someone living in England and all of her grandparents were born in Dorset so I can be somewhat sure this is a descendant of Ellis and Eleanor Knight (2nd cousins likely) with three of the children of this couple marrying three of the children of Charles Butt and Hannah Arnold making for a very strong match tendency. I am surprised not to spot the match but I have not taken these lines back to the 4x great grandparent which is likely where I will find the common ancestry. I am always somewhat surprised at the strength of matches in collapsing pedigrees. However, the matches falls in line with the matches of this couple so I am likely right. It took a while to sort some of the tree because of similar names but finding some trees online proved to be helpful along with using FreeBMD, Find My Past's 1940 Registry was perhaps one of the most helpful. 

Sometimes with Pedigree collapse you get a number of small lengths but in this case the length of one match was a good size over 30 cM with the other two lengths being in the 15 cM range. Five more today hopefully and I will keep on track with that as I would like to do a re-phase of my grandparent's DNA. 

I must also draft a letter to the Kipp correspondent Edward wanted me to write to last January. These items are always difficult. I have met this person (I think at Edward's mother's funeral in 2000) but it was a long time ago. 

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