Friday, October 29, 2021

Looking after the dogs and cat

I am looking after the dogs and cat on my own today for part of the day. They tend to be good but are a handful for sure. The puppy still has to remember not to jump up at me and she mostly does but she was at dog daycare yesterday so is tired today. I always find she is a bit jumpy and nippy when she is tired! She is going to be a very large dog and so like the other dog I am training this one to not jump up at me because at 60 or 70 pounds she could easily knock me down. The other dog never jumps at me but she is also a full grown four year old.

Yesterday I cleaned all of one floor as much as I could manage plus one of the upstairs bathrooms and the basement bathroom. This house is much bigger than my little place. Possibly I overdid it as I am tired today. I will just have to decide what not to do and try that out. I like to help out when I am staying. At 76 though I can see that I need to moderate my schedule!

Working on the H11 newsletter and this is the short edition with just one issue being a summation of results. I have a couple of articles sent to me by one of the members of the study that will enlarge it somewhat this time. 

Dogs are looking in the door at me as I can see the kitchen from my computer. Off to see how they are doing. 

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