Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Next Project

I am contemplating the next project that I should work on now that the "Romance of the Charley Family" just needs to be completed. I have a little proofreading still to do but that happens when I am preparing the posting of the item. Not too much left; just three more chapters and the 11 Appendices. Using my excel charts I extracted the genealogical charts as an image and put it into Powerpoint and then extracted an *.jpg from there for the charts at least I will do that as each day comes up. I will also put a link to the Excel File at the end of all the posting. I may do the Word file as well since some of the numbering in the families section of the publication did not carry across with cut and paste. I will think about that. I think it is a good tribute to Irene Charley to publish all of her work which she created more than fifty years ago. 

Having now read and re-read the North Devon section I am becoming ambivalent as to whether or not my Mary Charly is also descendant of this Chorley family. Not using the same crest is interesting and does lead one to wonder about that. I will have to look at some of the Huguenot work (I do see items that make me think they were Huguenot)  as a future project one of these days to see if I am able to figure it out. There is a certain amount of desire to be descendant of an old prominent gentry family I think so must judge that idea against what is written in the book.  

In the meantime I have a few small projects that I want to accomplish. I need, in particular, to write to the Kipp who wrote to Edward late last year. He asked me to write him back but I found it very difficult from January on to sit down and work through details and send out a reasonable reply. I believe I can do that now. If anyone would be willing to take up the DNA study it might be him. 

Another one of my ambitions is to actually complete my re-phasing of my Grandparents that I started in February 2019. I only reached Chromosome 4 and I have another 84 matches to add in to my compilation. I will work on that as well. Perhaps I will do one chromosome a week as they do take time to work through and examine all the possibilities. Initially I have to sort the 84 new matches into my existing system which involves three steps for each match. Perhaps today I will try to do five and that would see me starting my Chromosome re-phasing in about three weeks as I shall lose some work days between then and now!

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