Thursday, October 21, 2021

Raining today

 Heavy rain today; no leaf work or cutting down plants. Maybe tomorrow. However the basement is all vacuumed and the washing done. Winter is coming but still a month or two away. The trees were slow to turn in our microcosm this year but are turning now. 

Just proofreading the "Romance of the Charley Family." All appendices are now typed and ready to go. I think I will put a link to the excel file on the blog and load the file into my website. I will not check it or update it as my line is not there. I could, I suppose create a Charly tree for my Mary Charly as far as I am able to determine her lineage. My mother used to talk about Irish ancestry but I always thought she was referring to her mother's mother (and I do still think that). But she also talked about French ancestry and so I am left curious but perhaps not yet curious enough to discover more about this Charly line that married into my Pincombe line in the 1760s. This is also true of the Question family (which is Huguenot) and married into the Siderfin family in the mid 1600s (that Question family lived at Dunster,  Somerset). I need to have more "French" matches with my DNA before I pursue that to any degree. 

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