Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Waiting for clear skies and working on the Charley/Charly family

I have been waiting for clear skies for awhile now. Perhaps this week will be better for star gazing.  But in the meantime I am back to working on the Charley book hoping to complete that this week and I think I will publish it to my blog just to make it available. It is over 50 years since it was first published. Although a second Charley family book has been published and is available on Family Search:


This second book adds to the first in that all of the children from the "first family named with the surname Charley" are now listed and traced down into the present. Congratulations to Derrick Reeves for producing this book to add to the earlier book. It is always good when family history is written up in a book that is accessible. 

I have not verified any of the details in the "Romance of the Charley Family" written by Irene H Charley in 1970. I do find the Chorley surname in the index of the Visitation of Cheshire, 1613 transcribed by the Harlequin Society in 1909 and available online:


and the list in the index: Chorley, 5, 18, * 19, 21, 78, 91, 134, 200, 248, *

Several of the references refer to the Bebington family of Bebington and Chorley (namely, 5, 18, 19, 78), the Dauenport family of Chorley (namely 21, 91), the Dodd family of Chorley (namely 134), the Brome family of Chorley (namely 200) and the Fowden family of Chorley (namely 248). 

The National Archives of the UK hold 49 articles and other archives 499 articles when a search is made on Discovery for Richard Chorley. The first item from 1652 in the Lancashire Archives discusses the sequestered estate of Richard Chorley. They are from the Lancashire County Quarter Sessions and it is a petition QSP/67 (Ormskirk, Midsummer, 1652). There are a number of documents in the Lancashire Archives concerning Richard Chorley's forfeited estates (dated 30 Jul 1684). Probably I should order the document for the sequestered estate of Richard Chorley and will do that in the near future likely. One is left to surmise though that the Chorley family not being listed in the Visitations of 1613 is rather interesting as this does precede all the difficulties encountered during the 1600s.

My branch of Charley in Devonshire is not overly covered in this book other than to imply that this line which held property at Combe Martin had an alcohol problem which resulted in a rather see-saw family fortune to disaster in their history there. I always wondered why Mary Charly signed the parish register at the time of her marriage as Mary Pincomb and perhaps that is the answer!

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