Tuesday, November 2, 2021

-2 degrees celsius when I awoke

 Winter is slowly coming; November makes you think more about winter. You know it is coming; the only question is what day will it be when you awaken to snow! Snow is beautiful; it brightens the landscape now turned dull by the loss of leaves and the flowers all frozen off. For sure we get freezing temperatures long before we see snow. The barren landscape shows its ugly face this time of year but also its beauty as you can see so much more with all the foliage down. The coniferous trees though dominate the landscape  to a certain extent though so still that beautiful green abounds here and there and much commoner in the north. 

Gradually the Romance of the Charley Family is getting blogged. Just the rest of the appendix to go and that will take another week with the seven genealogy charts to come plus the listing from the Pedigree book updated by the original author. I have made absolutely no changes to the text other than rearranging it for easier blogging. 

I wonder now about the Siderfin book and blogging it. I have enhanced the tree in that book greatly so could publish that as well. The author mistakenly linked his line to the wrong ancestor which might be helpful to some as well. Again I think only 100 copies were produced but with this family the numbers in the world are even smaller but still larger than 100 copies! It was wonderful that individuals in these families took the time to compile all of these notes and produce a family book. 

A cousin of mine produced a Pincombe book of her line still in England and lately there have been a number of DNA matches in my Pincombe line so suspect that it is this line now testing. I had no doubt that their ancestor George was my 2x great grandfather's brother but the family had dispersed and George died in Australia leaving all of his children and wife in England. His wife chose not to join him there. He was meant to come to Canada but decided on Australia. In total my 2x great grandfather John Pincombe came and then his only sister (elder) Betsy (married to Richard Elworthy). Robert (his elder brother) went to the United States earlier. William (one of the younger brothers died young), Thomas died with his family emigrating to Canada. Richard and Philip stayed in England. Their father was Robert Pincombe and his older brother Williams' descendants (some of them) also went to Australia. His sister Mary died in childbirth and his other sister Grace had married Richard Headdon with a number of their descendants going to Utah in the United States. His eldest brother John lived and died in England (he did not marry but did have a daughter Mary Pincombe Thorne whose descendants, I think, remained in England. There is a history book (as part of the Westminster Township History Book edited by my cousin) with a Pincombe profile in it which I wrote along with my Pincombe cousins here. But an overall book of the Pincombe family does not yet exist. I should do that and perhaps will think about it. 

There are a number of Blake family books and I would like to blog my line one day but still collecting data for that. 

Off to breakfast.

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