Monday, November 8, 2021

Above zero this morning

 Almost 5 degrees celsius this morning so snow is still a ways off. Foggy though so the moisture level in the air is high. 

Today is another working day as I have completed Chromosome 20 and Chromosome 19 is next to come. In the first four chromosomes worked on I have just one match that remains a question mark. The only individual matching us in that particular area where she could be either a Pincombe or a Rawlings match and only matching two of us. I can not tell for sure by any of her information but I am leaning towards the Rawlings match because of location but the match remains in the Unknown column for the moment. I have moved about ten matches to the "interesting matches folder" by grandparent surname because they are either too small or with three matches to siblings one of them is not quite right and so the entire match may be questionable. I tend not to really trust a match under 20 centimorgans but when the individual is known to me then I put more emphasis on it. But these smaller matches could be coming down from a different ancestor and I am wary of them. 

Also working on the Siderfin book. I have more recent material on some of the quoted items. I did acquire the original documents from Kew that were used in the book and for the most part the transcription is faithful to the original document although being in Latin I am considerably less sure of myself than the original author because he actually studied and used latin in his daily work as a Justice of the Peace. This will be an interesting venture for sure. 

Just two more appendices to post for the Romance of the Charley Family book and it is complete. I will put the entire book up on my website although not visible  on my webpage. I will also post the link in the blog to get to the typed manuscript. Interest is good in the manuscript (i.e. more than 25 people are looking at it) but republishing the book would probably not generate many customers. The type is difficult to read and some of the material I would feel needs to be replaced as there are some errors in the book. Another descendant of the family has published his line from Berkeley in a book which is held by FamilySearch and available on their website as a download. I will post that link as well with the Charley Book link. 

I am starting to think about Income Tax but will wait until after Christmas to start to put that together. I have done Income Tax since I was a teenager but doing the Income Tax for a deceased person is something new to me as I did not do that for either of my parents and Edward had the lawyer assemble his mother's Income Tax for the deceased return. 

Other than that I am up early with the boys and they have had their breakfast (they asked me to do that). I must head off and do mine soon!

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